At Ponderosa Baptist Church, we're always excited to welcome new visitors. We hope you'll join us for a service, and we want to make your visit as enjoyable as possible. Here's what you can expect when you come to any of our services.
A warm, friendly atmosphere that enjoys the fellowship of believers.
A Bible Training Sunday School Hour- our Bible Fellowship Classes. The Sunday School Hour is one of the most important parts of our church. Equipping, edifying, and encouraging each other to reach others for CHRIST.
A Loving, Caring Nursery that has trained nursery workers to care for and influence your children for CHRIST.
A Genuine Worship Service that is about making much of JESUS.
· Our worship service is filled with CHRIST honoring, inspiring music. Music that stirs the heart. We have congregational songs, soul-stirring specials, and instrumental pieces to prepare our hearts for worshipping the LORD.
· Our worship service has a time of prayer every time we meet. The church is to be a place of prayer. CHRIST said, "My house shall be called the house of prayer." The prayer time in our service is where our victories are made.
· Our worship service always has preaching time. Preaching that comes from the Bible. Preaching that is practical for our daily lives. Preaching that stirs the soul to a decision. The Pastor seeks every week for the message GOD has for HIS people.
· Our worship service has an altar. At the end of every Bible Message is an opportunity to respond to the Message the LORD has given HIS people. An invitation is given for all to come and spend time with the LORD. An altar is where you meet the LORD. It is at the altar where decisions are made that determine a destiny. The altar is open at anytime, but there is a special time of invitation for people to respond to the LORD'S dealing.
Our church is located at 3004 N. Main St., just south of E. Cedar Avenue, and parking is located in front of the church. If you have mobility restrictions or young children to carry, feel free to use one of the spots closest to the door. We like to keep them free for visitors and people who need assistance.
When you walk in, find one of our greeters and introduce yourself. They're usually stationed at the doors and Welcome Desk, and they'll show you where everything is. They'll help you find the nursery and Sunday School rooms if you have kids. Our greeters can also point you to the restrooms, sanctuary, and fellowship area. If you have any questions about the service itself, the greeters are able to provide helpful answers.